Ningo-Prampram District Supports 18 Persons with Disabilities


The Ningo-Prampram District Assembly NiPDA has supported 18 persons with disabilities, with cash amounts to improve their economic and health conditions. This was facilitated from the disability fund under the District Assembly Common Fund (DACF). The beneficiaries of the cash donations are to use it to settle their medical bills as well as procure educational devices.

At a presentation ceremony, held on Monday 15th August 2022 at the District Assembly Conference Hall, the District Chief Executive Hon. AL-Latiff Tetteh Amanor encouraged them not to give up on life irrespective of their conditions. He shared with them a personal experience relating to his father, who became blind over nineteen years. “He was independent and did everything on his own, cheerfully”.

The District Coordinating Director, Mr Bernard Mats Yengura mentioned the District is in the position to solve some problems that would have become very dire for them without the Assembly’s assistance. In line with this, each time the funds from the common fund are released, the committee would proactively process their quota; and immediately disburse it in the presence of the representative of the government to the recipients based on their request.

Nine of the beneficiaries were given undisclosed amounts of cash for the education and support devices to enhance their learning process. While the other nine were also given cash amounts to settle their medical bills.

The fund for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) is three percent (3%) of the District Assembly Common Fund, geared toward the economic and social empowerment of Persons with Disabilities to equip them in economic and business ventures. Therefore, economic equipment such as fridges, sewing machines, shoe-making kids, hair driers, containers, etc. to empower them to become economically independent.

The fund also provides educational/ training support for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) as well as gives them medical /health support to make them functional in life.

These initiatives are in line with the governmentโ€™s desire to provide equitably, especially for the poor and vulnerable to prevent them from begging for alms on the street. The distribution was jointly facilitated by the management of the assembly and the Social Welfare Department.



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