Newly District Governor for District 418 Inducted


A colorful ceremony to climax the two-day Fourth District Convention held from Friday 29th to Saturday 30th April 2022 at the Accra International Conference Center saw the induction of the newly elected Governor for district 418, Lion Emmanuel Gyimah, MJF of the Accra Premier Lions Club.

Lion Gyimah & Family

The ceremony was graced by high-ranking members of the Lions Club; traditional rulers, businessmen, academia as well friends and family of the newly elected District Governor.

Inducting the District Governor-Elect, Lion David Owusu Anokye (PMJF) whose tenure of leadership comes to an end on 30th June 2022 assured the DGE Emmanuel Gyimah of his support since they are from the same โ€œSuban Ni Nimdieโ€ stock. He will be there for him and expects him to take District 418 a notch higher than he is leaving it.

Outgoing DG, Lion Anokye

Lion Gyimah in his inaugural speech admonishes Lions that in line with tradition and norms, his theme for 2022/23 Lions Service Year for D418, Ghana is โ€œYes, Together We Can.โ€

He, therefore, made it known he determines to work in close cooperation and collaboration with all the members by respecting their ideas through accepting diversity. Life is always moving forward; nothing ever remains the same. He called upon Lions to be change agents.

โ€œOur projects and activities should touch peopleโ€™s lives in a deep and lasting way. Let us continue to grow the young and old in harmony ready to face the challenges in our communities. It is very gratifying to know that I can count on the support of so many good Lions, the experience and advice of our soon to be immediate Past DG, two PDGS, and many senior Lion Leaders who have selflessly given of themselves to the district and who are the source of wisdom. Knowledge and inspiration.โ€ He said.

Also, he called upon all for they need to come together to energize our members and unify our efforts, strength, and goodwill.

According to Lion Gyimah, his vision is to foster unity and friendship among our members to greatly serve our communities.

DG and his Team

Lions Clubs International requires every district throughout the world to hold an annual convention, attended by club delegates and other Lions members. District Conventions involve a business meeting where the new district governor and vice district governors are elected, district annual accounts are approved and subscriptions agreed, and reports of the work of the district cabinet officers are presented. In addition, clubs may raise issues and/or propose changes to district practices for debate.

District Conventions are not simply formal AGMs, as they offer an opportunity for Lions to meet up, exchange ideas, and enjoy social activities. Interesting speakers may be invited to talk about their work or other topics. Open forum sessions are held and informal connections between Lions and their clubs are made.

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