Moroccan Ambassador, Imane Quaadil, Hosts Globetrotter Ayad El Mouftahi


The Moroccan Ambassador to Ghana, Her Excellency Imane Quaadil, has held a special event to bid farewell to Ayad El Mouftahi, who stopped over in Ghana on his global cycling tour.
The tour of three continents covering about 50,000 kilometres will take the young Moroccan to 22 countries in Africa, Asia, and Europe.

In Africa, the journey of the young Moroccan cyclist which started from El Guergerate, Morocco, spans over many countries, including Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroun, Gabon, Congo, The Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola, Namibia, South Africa, Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan, and Egypt.

On this special occasion, the 26-year-old young Ayad, El Mouftahi, who carries the Moroccan flag on a bicycle in 22 African countries and Asian countries, was welcomed by Madam Imane Quaadil, the ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to Ghana and members of the Moroccan community in Ghana.

Madam Quaadil in her remarks commended the young Moroccan athleteโ€™s endeavor to cycle through Africa with a message of pan-Africanism and peaceful coexistence, bringing together the African populations all through the different steps of a cycling tour.

The ambassador stated that the journey undertaken by Ayad El Mouftahi in the African continent that bears the slogan โ€œThe Morocco of Today is not the Morocco of Yesterday โ€œincludes various sublime meanings and messages and consecrates the insightful vision of King Mohammed VI of the Kingdom of Morocco.

El Mouftahi in a pose with members of the Moroccan Community in Ghana

It calls for the strengthening of the bonds of brotherhood, affection, and cooperation with sisterly African countries. Madam Quaadil also underscored the strong message carried by the Moroccan athlete regarding the Moroccan unalterable, inalienable and non-negotiable sovereignty on the whole of its territory,y including the Moroccan Sahara.
In his statement, El Mouftahi expressed gratitude to the Ambassador and the Moroccan community living in Ghana for the great support and kind assistance extended to him. He also thanked both CIMAF Ghana and OCP Ghana for generously sponsoring the Ghana leg of his cycling.

He explained that his adventure, particularly in Africa’s aims, was aimed at building human relations between Morocco and the sister African countries.
He added that through his journey, he would spare no effort in promoting the values of Morocco, its traditions, and customs through constant interactions with locals and on social media networks

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