Defacing of Joy Joycelyn Andoh Campaign Billboards and Posters at Nsuaem And Its Environs by Alleged Pro-Duker Supporters.


The attention of the Joy Joycelyn Andoh Campaign has been drawn to the defacing of Miss Joy Joycelyn Andohโ€™s campaign billboards and posters mounted within Nsuaem and its environs by some pro-Duker supporters.

This is purported to have been done under the direction of some ‘henchmen’ of the sitting Member of Parliament, as the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, tours some parts of the Western Region.

The development led to the assault of a bystander who attempted to prevail on the perpetrators to stop.

In a press released signed by the Communications Director for the candidate, Kizito Cudjoe said “We find this disturbing act criminal, cowardly, intimidatory, and a failed attempt to stoke violence and disrupt the peaceful atmosphere the Tarkwa-Nsuaem Constituency has enjoyed since the country returned to democratic rule in 1992.”

Adding to it said “Prior to today’s event our team had chased away some people who had attempted to pull down one our campaign billboards at Tamso Estate Junction. This is believed to have been ordered by the head of the Municipality.”

While we call on the Regional Divisional Police Command the perpetrators of this crime are brought to justice, we would like to assure all well-meaning constituents and the growing supporters of Miss Joy Joycelyn Andoh to remain calm as we seek all the legal avenues necessary to redeem the cost of the damage caused.   

According to him, Miss Joy Joycelyn Andoh, the aspiring Member of Parliament for the Tarkwa-Nsuaem Constituency, as independent candidate, remain resolute and more than ever determined to rescue the good people of Tarkwa-Nsuaem Constituency from the years of neglect and development stagnation brought by years of voting for one particularly political party.

Politics is a contest of ideas and not violence. We eschew any form of violence or intimation just to attain political advantage. Let us know from these acts the candidates who has the interest of the constituents at heart.

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