Fisheries Minister has handed over the renovated office complex to the leadership of the National Premix Fuel Secretariat


This afternoon at the National Premix Fuel Secretariat, the Minister for Fisheries & Aquaculture Development and MP for Krowor Constituency Hon. Elizabeth Afoley Quaye, handed over the renovated office complex to the leadership of the Secretariat in Accra.

Under the leadership of Hon. Nii Lante Bannerman, Chairman of the Premix committee & Nana Abrokwa Asare, the Administrator of the Secretariat there has been significant positive changes.

One can not recall the last time Fisher folks went on demonstration for shortages of premix fuel across the country a situation that clearly demonstrates that transparency is indeed the order of the day.

Remarkably, the price of Premix fuel has not been increased since 2017 yet significant savings have been made in the period under review.

Due to the prevailing prudent management, there’s been lots of changes initiated, both at the Secretariat & the landing beaches.

Credit: @ Ancle Ato SpintexNana Abrokwa Asare

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